Lovely Girly Day
Finally I did not shot at all yesterday as I was not in the mood. Lovely girly day with a late breakfast chating with Thana followed by a lunch in a libenon restaurant known by the lebenon community... Mmmm amazing food! Taboule, hommos, shish kebab, tomatos mixted with walnuts and olive oil, lebenon bread, fresh fish grilled etc.....
The most incredible was the caracter of this lunch! A frenchie with a saoudian, grown up in switzerland wearing sexy trendy clothes and her aunt, saoudian, speaking a not so bad english, 60 years old, wearing the black scarff....
Beautiful moment where I asked many questions about Islam, religion, Saoudia, Dubai and when I could talk about Bush etc.... I was scared to shame her but no way! She was scared to bother me ;-)
On the way home, she started, with Thana, to sing arabic songs in the car. It was beautiful! I ended my day by a manucure pedicure really good and cheaper than in Hong Kong! I know that in Europe it's not so common but I got the virus in Hong Kong and now, I cant do without ;-)
07:35 Posted in Dubai Life | Permalink | Comments (7)
Quelques images
06:35 Posted in Dubai Life | Permalink | Comments (4)
Day 2 (in english)
I promised I will write in english so.....
Day 2 was better than Day 1 I mean in term of confidence... I had a good day, good meetings, good contacts and I start to get organised. AND THERE IS NO REASON I CANNOT HANDLE THAT... That's my industry for many years and I know the job. Ok it's a new part of the world and I have so many things to learn not only from Dubai but also from India as I work with almost only indians. First difficulty? To understand them and make me understand but I will repeat as many times as needed.... and it's funny how many of them know a little bit of french...
Many people speak french here because you have a lot of expats but also because there are a lot of lebenons and in the streets or restaurants, I smile as I hear a lot of french speakers ;-) That was not the case in Hong Kong!
My week end is starting tonight for one day as we have an event on sunday, a bank launching a VIP credit card in a famous night club ;-)
Otherwise, I have started a blog for my company... It's Mister T who is going to be happy! What a best way to write about the last news of the company, including photos and videos ;-) They wanted me to do a newsletter but I convinced them, without a lot of difficulties, to transform that in a blog! Let's see...
I am off now, really need to take a rest. Tomorrow I will go to the beach and swim and rest and read.... But I keep in touch, I promise ;-)
14:30 Posted in Dubai Life | Permalink | Comments (11)
C'est un miracle!
Je sais pourquoi je ne veux pas conduire a Dubai….
J’ai prestexte que je ne connaissais pas les routes et qu’il me fallait me concentrer sur mon job pour avoir quelqu’un qui vienne me chercher le matin et me deposer le soir (NON Carine je ne PEUX pas prendre le bus ou le metro car il n’y a pas de bus et de metro entre chez moi et le bureau ;-))))
Et bien en fait c’est parce que je n’etais pas rassuree… Et la c’est encore pire que ce que j’imaginais! Je suis terrorisee. Tout a l’heure nous nous sommes retrouves sur la file du milieu (4 voies) en pleine heure de pointe et … au milieu d’un vacarme de moteurs assourdissant nous nous sommes fait depasser de chaque cote par deux BMW Grooossseessss cylindrees qui faisaient la course en slalomant… A peine eu le temps de jurer comme une charretiere (m’en fiche le chauffeur ne me comprend pas…) et la, on se fait depasser sur la file d’urgence par une Porche qui roulait au moins a 200km/h…. alors la j’ai pousse un hurlement et le chauffeur etait mort de rire…
Il a fini par me demander comment je m’appelais… Euh.. Marie et il s’est tordu de rire… Ben qu’est ce qu’il y a de drole… Moi c’est Joseph! ET CA VOUS FAIRE RIRE??????
17:58 Posted in Dubai Life | Permalink | Comments (8)